School Survey Results

William Tyler Page ES

2023-2024 Parent Climate Survey — Parent Results

This school enrolls PreK through Grade 5 students.

All parents at this school had an opportunity to submit a survey.

Interpretation of this information should take into consideration the number (N) and percentage of survey respondents. Comparisons should also take into consideration the characteristics of school populations. Survey data best represent perceptions of the school environment when response rates are high.

an area of school strength
the school is similar to comparison
an area for possible improvement

Your SchoolAll MCPS Elementary SchoolsDifference
Parent Response Rate14%7%
Number of Respondents875797
% Total Agreement
Academic Environment
1. My child is given challenging material to learn.82.883.3-0.5
2. At my child's school, administrators create a school environment that helps children learn.
3. My child’s teachers expect my child to do well in class.93.196.8-3.7

Your SchoolAll MCPS Elementary SchoolsDifference
% Total Agreement
Social Environment
4. I feel connected to other adults at my child’s school.68.677.1-8.5
5. At my child’s school, adults show me respect.97.695.81.8
6. This school does a good job teaching my child how to work out problems with other students.78.085.2-7.2
7. Overall, at my child’s school, I think children respect the staff.91.893.6-1.8
8. At my child’s school, I think children enjoy going to school.92.993.7-0.8
9. I have adults from my child’s school that I can count on to help me, no matter what.75.083.2-8.2

Your SchoolAll MCPS Elementary SchoolsDifference
% Total Agreement
School Safety and Discipline
10. Overall, my child feels safe at school.90.792.8-2.1

Your SchoolAll MCPS Elementary SchoolsDifference
% Total Agreement
Equity and Inclusion
11. The school provides information about involvement opportunities.92.993.2-0.3
12. I worry that adults at the school will treat my child differently if I raise a concern.21.827.3-5.5
13. I feel welcomed at this school.93.194.0-0.9
14. Overall, I feel like I belong at my child’s school.85.191.0-5.9
15. I matter to other adults at my child’s school.80.784.7-4.0
16. The school values the diversity of children's backgrounds.95.494.31.1
17. I am confident that students at my child’s school can have open and honest conversations with each other about race.83.183.8-0.7
18. At my child’s school, it is common for students to have close friends from different racial, ethnic, or cultural backgrounds.98.895.43.4
19. At my child’s school, adults treat people from different races, ethnicities, or cultures fairly.95.392.62.7
20. At my child’s school, I am comfortable sharing my thoughts about race-related topics with other adults.82.480.32.1

Your SchoolAll MCPS Elementary SchoolsDifference
% Total Agreement
21. I feel sure about how to communicate with the school.94.389.54.8
22. The school does a good job of getting important information to parents.89.490.3-0.9
23. It is easy for me to talk to my child’s teachers about things concerning my child.82.892.0-9.2
24. My child’s teachers keep me informed about my child’s progress in school.79.386.8-7.5
25. My child’s teachers are accessible to me when needed.86.294.3-8.1
26. I know how to find information about MCPS when I want it.90.887.43.4
27. I am satisfied with the way(s) I currently receive information about MCPS.86.287.4-1.2
28. I, generally, feel well-informed about MCPS.85.185.8-0.7
29. Please indicate your satisfaction with the frequency of MCPS communications74.775.0-0.3

Your SchoolAll MCPS Elementary SchoolsDifference
Both A and B
30. What overall grade would you give MCPS?57.064.4-7.4
31. What overall grade would you give your child’s school?75.679.9-4.3

Compared to All Elementary Schools

Blank responses are excluded from the summaries of results.
Click here for PDF of 2023-2024 School Parent Climate Survey instrument.

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