School Survey Results

Albert Einstein HS

2023-2024 Student Climate Survey — Student Results

This school enrolls Grade 9 through Grade 12 students.

All students at this school had an opportunity to submit a survey. - 634 Returned (32%)

Interpretation of this information should take into consideration the number (N) and percentage of survey respondents. Comparisons should also take into consideration the characteristics of school populations. Survey data best represent perceptions of the school environment when response rates are high.

Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeN Responses
Academic Environment
1. I think school will be useful to me in the future.38.353.26.52.1632
2. I am excited to participate in my classes at school.
3. I am interested in my classes at school.11.464.321.42.9621
4. My teacher(s) seem excited to be teaching my classes at school.12.268.816.22.7629
5. At my school, the behavior of other students helps my learning.
6. My teachers help me when I don’t understand.22.369.66.71.4629
7. My teachers encourage me to do my best.23.868.46.01.7630
8. My teachers are well prepared to teach.20.267.910.61.3624
13. At my school, students show me respect.11.172.413.82.7631
14. The energy of my school is positive.10.262.422.15.3628

Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeN Responses
Social Environment
9. It is important to me to do well in school.51.644.33.01.1630
10. Overall, I feel like I belong at my school.17.567.613.21.7630
11. I matter to other students at my school.12.457.725.44.5627
12. I feel connected to other students at my school.12.959.622.35.1627
15. When my teachers ask “how are you doing?” I often feel that my teachers are really interested in my answer.14.659.521.14.8629
16. I have teachers and/or other students from school that I can count on to help me, no matter what.22.164.511.51.9628
17. I have at least one trusted adult at school who supports me.
18. My teachers care about me as a person.17.668.511.42.4629
19. This school teaches students about ways to get along with others.
20. My teachers respect students.

Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeN Responses
School Safety and Discipline
21. Overall, I feel safe at school.15.967.014.22.9628
22. Most of the time, my teachers teach without being interrupted by students who misbehave.9.957.824.28.1628

Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeN Responses
Equity and Inclusion
23. I am confident that students at my school can have open and honest conversations with each other about race.15.365.515.93.3629
24. At my school, it is common for students to have close friends from different racial, ethnic, or cultural backgrounds.31.961.95.31.0627
25. At my school, students treat people from different races, ethnicities, or cultures fairly.19.867.510.02.7630
26. At my school, I am comfortable sharing my thoughts about race-related topics with other students.
27. If I get into trouble, the school staff would treat me fairly15.466.314.63.7629
28. School administrators treat students fairly.15.062.618.24.3628
29. My teachers treat students fairly.19.669.69.11.6626

A = OutstandingB = HighC = AcceptableD = MinimalF = UnacceptableN Responses
30. What overall grade would you give MCPS?10.043.836.87.71.7633
31. What overall grade would you give your school?10.835.343.38.62.1631

Blank responses are excluded from the summaries of results.
Click here for Elementary or Secondary PDF of 2023-2024 School Student Climate Survey instrument.

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