School Survey Results

Thomas S. Wootton HS

2016-2017 Parent Engagement Survey — Parent Results

This school enrolls Grade 9 through Grade 12 students.

A random sample of parents of students in this school were surveyed. - 91 Returned (23%)

Interpretation of this information should take into consideration the number (N) and percentage of survey respondents. Comparisons should also take into consideration the characteristics of school populations. Survey data best represent perceptions of the school environment when response rates are high.

Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN Responses
Parent Engagement Survey
1. I feel welcomed at my child's school.40.953.44.51.188
2. When I visit my child's school, I am promptly and courteously received.
3. The school respects my family.37.359.02.41.283
4. I am comfortable talking to my child's teachers about my child's education.
5. The school informs me about my child's education in a timely manner.
6. My child's teachers expect my child to do well in school.49.447.13.50.085
7. School staff members are responsive to my concerns about my child.33.859.73.92.677
8. I am comfortable being an advocate for my child.44.650.63.61.283
9. The school informs me of resources that are available so I can help my child with his/her homework, tests, and projects.35.042.521.31.380
10. I believe my child is safe at school.39.553.57.00.086
11. The school has a clear process for addressing my needs.25.060.313.21.568
12. The school provides opportunities for me to voice my needs about my child's education.26.654.416.52.579
13. The school welcomes my input on how my child's educational experience can be improved.22.458.216.43.067
14. There is an adult at the school who will advocate for my child's needs.24.658.512.34.665
15. I am informed in a timely manner about events and activities occurring at my child's school.49.441.69.00.089
16. I believe I play an important role in my child's education.
17. The school has a clear process for me to provide feedback about my child's education.26.351.318.43.976
18. The school provides information about resources in the school and community that are available to my child and family.33.355.68.62.581
19. The school considers me a partner in my child's education.
20. The school informs me of educational opportunities that are available to my child.
21. I would recommend this school to others.

ABCDFailN Responses
Overall Perception
22. What grade would you give your child's school?41.839.617.61.10.091
23. What grade would you give the public schools in Montgomery County?

Don't know/does not apply responses or blank responses are excluded from the summaries of results.

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