You have reached the application system for conducting an external research study. Before considering a research request, please determine whether the data you are interested in are already PUBLICLY AVAILABLE.
A non-refundable application fee of $50 (plus a $2.25 service fee) is required with each submission.
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) endeavors to provide opportunities for research studies of quality to be conducted within the system by
qualified graduate students and by other professionally and technically qualified individuals and research organizations. All individuals interested in conducting research in MCPS, must have prior approval
before data collection activities occur. All individuals interested in conducting research must obtain IRB approval from a university or private IRB.
Factors that are considered in the review of research include:
- Technical soundness of the proposal design
- Appropriateness of the research topic for support in the public school setting
- Availability of research sites and topics requested
- Nature and amount of the interruption required in the ongoing instructional program
- Privacy and confidentiality of respondents (complying with MCPS Regulation AFA-RA)
- Data collection activities
- Personal and legal rights of impacted participants
- Data security, privacy, and data destruction plan
- Alignment of the study to MCPS priorities
The following categories of research will be accepted for review:
- Unsolicited research proposals from individuals or organizations independent of MCPS
- Proposals for studies for masters' theses originating from MCPS employees only
- Proposals for studies that are part of the requirements for completing a doctoral dissertation (MCPS employees and non-MCPS employees)
- Responses to MCPS requests for proposals (RFP's) for external audits and research
If you have questions related to the external research request process or your application, please email ORFARA
- Applications for support of research projects to meet requirements of undergraduate or graduate course papers are not accepted from any individuals or groups
- Research cannot be conducted in the school or office where the researcher is currently employed
- MCPS school-based staff cannot access student-level data via internal data tools nor provide student-level information to researchers. These include, but are not limited to demographic characteristics (e.g., race/ethnicity, Limited English Proficiency status, special education status, etc.), attendance, discipline, or testing information. School-based staff should not be asked to offer referrals for specific students/staff to participate in external research studies.
- Recruitment for study participation can be school-wide (for example, the researcher distributes a letter to all students or staff) and in some instances, targeted outreach (for example, only male teachers). With permission from the school principal, staff can be recruited for example, by posting flyers in common areas (for example, staff lounge) or in their mailboxes with information on how to contact the researcher, if interested in participating in the study. Participation for district staff, school staff, students, and parents/guardians is voluntary even after the Research application is approved.
- Applications must be complete before the review process can begin. Applications are considered complete after all required documents (see next page) have been submitted.
- Applications to conduct research in MCPS cannot be accepted after April 1 for implementation in the current academic year. Research activities involving students may not be conducted from April 15 through September 15, unless the project is for MCPS. OSA does not provide applicants with assistance in research design, instrument development, data analysis, or report writing except as represented in the evaluation provisions of MCPS Regulation AFA-RA: Research and Other Data Collection Activities in Montgomery County Public Schools
- Data acquired by the researcher for an approved study may not be used for any subsequent study without the expressed written consent of MCPS.
- School staff cannot suggest or refer specific students/staff to participate in a research study
- Studies involving surveys, focus groups, or interviews that exceed 45 minutes per individual will not be approved.
- Market Research studies will not be approved